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Map File Utility Class

getMapFile function

Pulls the transform mapping file from VibeIQ using the passed in fileId. And will cache the file for subsequent calls.

  const mapFileUtil = new MapFileUtil(new Entities());
  const wholeMap = await mapFileUtil.getMapFile(this.transformMapFile);

getMappingSectionFromMap function

Takes the map from 'getMapFile()' and the mapKey and direction; and returns the correct section of the map file.

  const mapFileUtil = new MapFileUtil(new Entities());
  const wholeMap = await mapFileUtil.getMapFile(this.transformMapFile);
  const mapSection = mapFileUtil.getMappingSectionFromMap(
          wholeMap, 'color', 'vibe2flex');

getFullMapSection function

Helper function that gets the full map section for a given key. Which includes both directions; identifier and informational properties; etc.

  const mapFileUtil = new MapFileUtil(new Entities());
  const wholeMap = await mapFileUtil.getMapFile(this.transformMapFile);
  const mapSection = mapFileUtil.getFullMapSection(
          this.transformMapFile, 'color');

getMappingSection function

Passes the fileId to 'getMapFile()' to get the map file. Then uses 'getMappingSectionFromMap()' to get the correct section based on the passed in mapKey and direction.

  const mapFileUtil = new MapFileUtil(new Entities());
  const mapSection = mapFileUtil.getMappingSection(
          this.transformMapFile, 'color', 'vibe2flex');

getMapKey function

Returns the mapKey based on the 'typeConversion' section of the map file. If the map file doesn't have a section for the type in question, 'undefined' is returned.

  const entity = {
    typePath: 'custom-entity:pack',
    entityType: 'custom-entity'

  const mapFileUtil = new MapFileUtil(new Entities());
  const mapSection = mapFileUtil.getMapKey(
          this.transformMapFile, entity.entityType, 'vibe2flex');

getTransformTasks function

Takes the mapping section and builds an array of TransformTask objects. This will swap in the data from the map file into the task using the specified key.

///map file data
  transformOrder: [
    { processor: 'REKEY', rekeyDelete: true, rekeyTransformersKey: 'rekey' }],
  rekey: {
    vibeIQIdentifier: 'itemNumber'
///end map file data

  const mapFileUtil = new MapFileUtil(new Entities());
  const mapSection = mapFileUtil.getMappingSection(
          this.transformMapFile, 'color', 'vibe2flex');
  const tasks: TransformTask[] = MapFileUtil.getTransformTasks(mapSection);

//Expected results
//  "rekeyDelete":false,
//  "rekeyTransformers":{"vibeIQIdentifier":"itemNumber"}}]

applyTransformMap function

Gettings the mapping section, converts the TransformTasks, then transforms data using those tasks.

///map file data
  packaging: {
    vibe2flex: {
      transformOrder: [
        { processor: 'REKEY', rekeyDelete: true, rekeyTransformersKey: 'rekey' }],
      rekey: {
        retailPackType: 'packType',
        retailIntroDate: 'introDate'
      getSoftType: () => 'Revisable Entity\\packaging',
      getClass: () => 'LCSRevisableEntity'
///end map file data

  const mapFileUtil = new MapFileUtil(new Entities());
  const packType = 'packType1';
  const introDate = '2023-10-17T20:15:35.512Z';
  const data = {
    const mapKey = 'packaging';
    const direction = 'vibe2flex';
    const results = await mapFileUtil.applyTransformMap(fileId,
      data, mapKey, direction);

//Expected results
//{ "typePath":"custom-entity:pack",
//  "retailPackType":"packType1",
//  "retailIntroDate":"2023-10-17T20:15:35.512Z"}