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Loading Colors

The Colors loader is able to load new colors and update existing colors. The loader is not able to delete a color. If the color's federatedId is already in use we update the existing color, and if its a new federatedId we create a new color.

The Color loader is only capable of loading a Color, therefore we cannot have multiple load types when loading color data.

Loading Colors:

Required Properties

  • federatedId
  • name
  • hex

hex colors

The hex value can be substituted for red, green and blue. If those three properties are included, hex is ignored.

Loader Configuration

To load Colors the configuration file will need to have the loadType set to COLOR. In the following example we would have a CSV file with the columns 'colorCode', 'colorName', 'R', 'G', 'B'.

We set the typePath to 'color' to ensure the correct entity type is used in VibeIQ. It is not required but is not bad to have.

  federatedId: "colorCode"
  name: "colorName"
  red: "R"
  green: "G"
  blue: "B"
  - toProperty: "typePath"
    default: "color"

Here is a sample colors file.