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Loading Size Range Templates

If you have not reviewed the Getting Started page, please do so to understand the fundamentals of loading data.

Size Range Template is an entity type that stores Size Range data that can be referenced and re-used by another entity type. If a T-Shirt comes in a Size Range of "Small", "Medium", and "Large", a Size Range Template will store these sizes on its sizeRange property. This Size Range can have one or two dimensions. The T-Shirt example is a one-dimensional Size Range, but footwear might in sizes with different widths, like "7D", "8D", "9D", and also "7E", "8E", "9E". This is a two-dimensional Size Range.

Tying this together with other entity types, if a T-Shirt and its different colors are modeled as Item entities, the Item entity can reference the Size Range Template and specify which sizes within its Size Range are applicable to that Item. This is done by configuring the Item to have a sizeRange of type Size Range and by specifying sizeRangeTemplate as an object reference to the Size Range Template entity type. The Size Range Template itself must also have a sizeRange property of type Size Range. With this configuration, you can set a Size Range on an Item from the Size Range Template's defined sizeRange.

Loading One-Dimensional Size Ranges

sizeRange API Representation

A Size Range Template with a one-dimensional sizeRange will have one array property sizes with a flat structure.

    "sizeRange": {
        "sizes": [
    "typePath": "size-range-template",
    "federatedId": "1d-t-shirt-sizes",
    "name": "T-Shirt Sizes",
    "id": "0-kuTOyJbAOH9Wxq",
    "entityType": "size-range-template"

Load Example

CSV Data File

In raw CSV form, sizeRange rows should be comma-separated strings wrapped in double quotes. This escapes the commas while maintaining an array structure in a single CSV row/column.

1d-test-load-size,T-Shirt Sizes,"Small,Medium,Large"
federatedId name sizeRange
1d-test-load-size T-Shirt Sizes Small,Medium,Large

Config YAML / JSON

Please review the Creating a Loader Process to understand how to provide this Config example to the Loader.

  federatedId: "federatedId"
  "loadType": [
  "federatedMappings": {
    "federatedId": "federatedId"

Loading Two-Dimensional Size Ranges

sizeRange API Representation

A Size Range Template with a two-dimensional sizeRange will have one object property sizes with property keys as the first dimension and array values as the second dimension.

    "sizeRange": {
        "sizes": {
            "D": ["8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14"],
            "E": ["11", "12", "13", "14"],
            "EE": ["13", "14"]
    "typePath": "size-range-template",
    "federatedId": "2d-footwear-sizes",
    "name": "Footwear Size Range",
    "typeId": "v3Ab2EdplxY1_7F-",
    "id": "WL5J_Mt_hMYSb4d4",
    "entityType": "size-range-template"

Load Example

CSV Data File

In raw CSV form, sizeRange rows should be comma-separated strings wrapped in double quotes. This escapes the commas while maintaining an array structure in a single CSV row/column. The first dimension is separated by a colon and the second dimension is separated by commas. Specify the first dimension name before the colon and its second-dimension list after it.

2d-footwear-sizes,Footwear Size Range,"D:8,9,10,11,12,13,14,E:11,12,13,14,EE:13,14"
federatedId name sizeRange
1d-test-load-size T-Shirt Sizes D:8,9,10,11,12,13,14,E:11,12,13,14,EE:13,14

Config YAML / JSON

Please review the Creating a Loader Process to understand how to provide this Config example to the Loader.

  federatedId: "federatedId"
  "loadType": [
  "federatedMappings": {
    "federatedId": "federatedId"