Publishing the app

A local contrail app can be published as a private app to your org. To do this, go to your app's top directory (where the app.yml file is) and run contrail app publish.

All apps are versioned, and the publish step expects a new version with each app publish. You can control your app's version using the commands contrail app version [patch|minor|major] which will bump your app version accordingly.

contrail app version patch
# 2024-01-09T00:47:41.535Z info: Upgrading Patch Version for 1.0.1
# 2024-01-09T00:47:41.537Z info: Patch Version Upgraded to 1.0.2
contrail app publish
# 2024-01-09T00:51:06.792Z info: %s Deploying Application. @vibeiq/seasonal-forecaster
# 2024-01-09T00:51:08.405Z info: APP      Updating existing app.
# 2024-01-09T00:51:08.414Z info: Installing production dependencies started...
# 2024-01-09T00:51:09.518Z info: Installing production dependencies done.
# 2024-01-09T00:51:09.519Z info: Building package...
# 2024-01-09T00:51:10.207Z info: Building package done.
# 2024-01-09T00:51:10.208Z info: Copying Assets...
# 2024-01-09T00:51:10.526Z info: Copying Assets done.
# 2024-01-09T00:51:10.527Z info: Zipping package...
# 2024-01-09T00:51:11.410Z info: Zipping package done.
# 2024-01-09T00:51:11.410Z info: Uploading package to S3...
# 2024-01-09T00:51:18.106Z info: cleaning up
# 2024-01-09T00:51:19.416Z info: APP      Updated app: Seasonal Forecaster
# 2024-01-09T00:51:19.891Z info: ACTION   Deploying actions.
# 2024-01-09T00:51:19.892Z info: ACTION   Deploying action: forecastWeather
# 2024-01-09T00:51:20.261Z info: ACTION Created new action definition: forecastWeather
# 2024-01-09T00:51:20.262Z info: EXTENSION        No extensions found...skipping.
# 2024-01-09T00:51:20.456Z info: WORKFLOW DEFINITION      Deploying workflow definitions.
# 2024-01-09T00:51:20.456Z info: COMPLETE Deployment Complete.

Once your app is published, you can view it on the app marketplace as a private app.

Now that we've published our app, it is time to install it.