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Installing the app

Installing apps

Apps can be installed from the marketplace using the UI or the CLI. To install an app via the UI, navigate to th app's page and click "Install". To use the CLI, use the contrail app install command.

contrail app install --appIdentifier="@vibeiq/seasonal-forecaster"
# 2024-01-08T23:00:04.703Z info: %s Installing apps
# 2024-01-08T23:00:20.916Z info: %s App installed

Upgrading apps

When a new version of an app is available, either by you, your team mates, or another external developer, you can upgrade the app either via the UI or the CLI by using the contrail app upgrade command.

contrail app upgrade  --appIdentifier="@vibeiq/seasonal-forecaster"
# Visually select the version you would like to switch to
# or pass --latest for the most recent version

Downgrading Apps

An app can be downgraded as well. Downgrading an app follows the same procedure, and is done via the contrail app upgrade command.

During the development process, you will likely go through many iterations of publishing and installing your app. Instead of publishing after every small change and upgrading your app, you can run your app locally.