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V3 Release Schedule

CLI V3 will be released on July 15 2024.

V2 Deprecation Schedule

CLI V2 will be deprecated on July 1 2024.

CLI V2 will reach end of life support on December 31 2024.

CLI Version 3 Release Notes

New Features

Configuration Files

You can now define configurations to reuse at a later time. This is useful when segmenting your work across multiple organizations or clients. We recommend creating a configuration for each org, so that you do not have to log in and out of each org as you are running commands.

  $ contrail config COMMAND

  config environments  List the environment configurations

  config create    Create a new configuration file
  config describe  Describe a configuration file
  config list      List the configurations
  config set       Set a variable in the configuration
  config use       Use a specific configuration

File Upload

This command will be useful if we just want to upload a file to the VibeIQ platform.

  $ contrail file upload FILE_LOCATION

Option Sets

This command allows users to get option sets in their preferred format, either YAML or CSV.

  $ contrail types getOptionSets --format YAML or CSV


Cleaner Loader Commands

The loader commands have been simplified to allow for easier loading of the most common data types. We now support first-class loading of colors, custom entities, and line sheet data (item, project item, assortment item).

  $ contrail load COMMAND

  load colors           Loads colors object from a CSV file and config YAML
  load custom-entity    Loads custom-entity object from a CSV file and config YAML
  load line-sheet       Loads line sheet data from a CSV file and config YAML

Longer Session Time

We improved our session management system to allow for longer, more secure, and predictable sessions. Sessions now last 7 days, and you will not be asked to enter your password for the same org.

Sessions are segmented by configuration, so creating a new configuration will require you to re-authenticate. However, once a session is established for a configuration, it will persist for 7 days.

Loader commands

The loader commands have been renamed from loader-process to load.

Global Flags: logLevel and alwaysConfirmEnv

We have added two new global flags available on every command

  • logLevel: Default value is "info". Accepted values are 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug'. The log level flag can be set on the global config. It can also be set selectively used on individual commands.
  • alwaysConfirmEnv: Defaults to true. Accepts true or false. Use this flag to skip confirming the environment with every command. This will be useful when you know on which org you are running the command and don't want to confirm repeatedly.

Disable Option Set Value While Loading

Currently, while uploading, all option set values by default will be in an active state. But most of the time we want to keep a few of them in a disabled state. Now, we can pass that in a new column.